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Customer’s Frustrating Optus Experience: The Importance of Reliable Backup Solutions

By Australia, Backup, Business Tips, Email, File Sharing, Hosting, News, rushfiles, Security, Storage Solution, Website
Businesses and individuals alike rely heavily on seamless and efficient services. However, recent news about a customer’s exasperating experience with Optus while trying to cancel their plan has thrown a spotlight on the critical importance of effective customer service and robust data protection measures. The frustration stemmed from dismissive and…
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Secure Your Inbox: Aussies Face Surge in Online Threats

By Australia, Backup, Business Tips, Email, File Sharing, Hosting, News, rushfiles, Security, Storage Solution, Website
Australians face unprecedented cyber threats, with malicious actors increasingly targeting their emails and even popular video games. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has sounded the alarm on the rising use of Remote Access Trojan viruses (RATs), which covertly infiltrate devices to steal sensitive data. Individuals and businesses must bolster their…
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Top Reasons to Secure Your Website with SiteLock –

By Australia, Backup, Business Tips, Email, File Sharing, Hosting, News, rushfiles, Security, Storage Solution, Website
Imagine waking up one morning to find that your website, your digital storefront, has been compromised. It's a scenario no business owner wants to face, yet it's a reality in today's increasingly digital world. Cyber threats are more sophisticated and prevalent than ever, making website security a top priority for…
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ACMA’s Lawsuit Against Optus Sparks Urgency: Discover RushFiles Now!

By Australia, Backup, Business Tips, Email, File Sharing, Hosting, News, rushfiles, Security, Storage Solution, Website
The recent legal action initiated by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) against Optus serves as a stark reminder of the critical importance of safeguarding customer data. As allegations surface regarding Optus' purported failure to adequately protect personal information, it's clear that organizations must prioritize robust data security measures…
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