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Elderly Customers Express Frustration as Australian Internet Providers Move Away from Email Services – OzHosting Offers Solutions

By Blog, Business Tips, Cloud, Email, Hosting, Media Release, News, Press Release, Products, Security, Website
Many Aussies have had the internet as a mate for ages, changing how we chat and get stuff online. But lately, our local internet providers have stirred up a bit of frustration and confusion, especially for long-time customers like our mate Simon. In this blog post, we explore the challenges…
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Important Notice: Domain Name Registration and Renewal Price Adjustment

By Blog, Cloud, Email, Hosting, Media Release, News, Press Release, Products, Security, Website
In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital world, change is inevitable. At OzHosting, we've always been committed to providing our valued customers with top-notch services, unbeatable value, and unwavering support for their online presence. However, sometimes change is necessary to ensure we can continue to deliver the level of service…
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The Ultimate Guide to VPS Hosting: Everything You Need to Know about Ozhosting’s Powerful Virtual Private Servers

By Blog, Business Tips, Cloud, File Sharing, Hosting, News, Press Release, Security, Website
G'day, mates! Today, we're diving into the world of web hosting to unravel the mysteries of VPS hosting and how it sets itself apart from the other contenders: shared and dedicated hosting. So, grab a cuppa, sit back, and let's get crackin'! VPS hosting offers an optimal solution for businesses…
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Most Common Network Security Threats Online and How To Stay Protected

By Backup, Blog, Business Tips, Cloud, Email, File Sharing, Hosting, Productivity, Products, Security, Website No Comments
Being safe online is everybody's responsibility. Unfortunately The internet can be dangerous if not used carefully, as there are many security threats that can lead us to unwanted places and some of these threats can be subtle and hard to detect. A network security threat can happen at any time…
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